Moving Day Survival Kit

10-06-2015 08:47:25am
Our top ten list of things that you should include in your Moving Day Survival Kit.
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A smooth move requires good planning. One of the best tips we can give for you come moving day is to pack a Moving Day Survival Kit. This is a carton packed with only the essential items that you're likely to need when you get to your new home.
Your kit should be clearly labelled and packed last on the truck (or carried with you in the car).
So what does your Moving Day Survival Kit contain? That's going to be different for every body and will depend on your own situation. In saying that, there's a number of things most people will need and we will let you fill in the blanks yourself!
1) Coffee
You're going to be busy and it's important that you keep up your water intake. But it's more than likely that you're going to require that extra caffeine hit!
2) Toilet Paper
It seems obvious. But many people forget this basic necessity. We probably don't need to do much more explaining here. But toilet paper is one of the last things that you should pack when moving out, and first when you're moving in.
3) Emergency Kit / First Aid Kit
This one's important. Moving can be a dangerous process and injuries do happen. Having a First Aid kit at the ready is always a good idea. Some things you might want to include:
- Triangular bandages (these are so versatile!);
- Disposable gloves;
- Band aids;
- Antiseptic swabs;
- Plastic bags;
- A conforming bandage (brilliant!);
- Wound dressings / non stick pads;
- Tampons;
- Scissors;
- Pain relief medications.
A decent kit is really affordable. Check out First Aid kits available from St John's.
4) Cleaning Basics
A house is much easier to clean when there's nothing in it. You might also find that some of your items are grubby after the move. It makes sense to have some basic cleaning products handy when you move in so that you can clean as you go.
5) Pet Food
Don't forget your fury friends. You might be opting for take-out on your first night but pizza is probably not the best food for your cat or dog!
6) Torch
Power may or may not have been switched off in your new home, so having a torch can make that first night more bearable.
7) Plates and Cutlery
Disposable sets of knives, forks, plates and cups are good for this as they're lightweight and generally stack well.
8) A change of clothes
Chances are, you're going to work up a sweat over the course of moving day. Having quick access to fresh clothes is a must!
9) Something to entertain the kids
If you've got children, you'll probably want to keep them occupied for as long as humanly possible while the dangerous heavy lifting and unpacking goes on. Children are great... But sometimes that can make things take a little (or a heck of a lot) longer than they otherwise would!
10) Whatever else you're going to need in the first 24 hours!